Doclet API

Interface Tag

All Known Subinterfaces:
ParamTag, SeeTag, SerialFieldTag, ThrowsTag

public interface Tag

Represents a simple documentation tag, such as @since, @author, @version. Given a tag (e.g. "@since 1.2"), holds tag name (e.g. "@since") and tag text (e.g. "1.2"). Tags with structure or which require special processing are handled by subclasses such as ParamTag (for @param), SeeTag (for @see and {@link}), and ThrowsTag (for @throws).

See Also:
SeeTag, ParamTag, ThrowsTag, SerialFieldTag, Doc.tags()

Method Summary
 Tag[] firstSentenceTags()
          Return the first sentence of the comment as an array of tags.
 Doc holder()
          Return the containing Doc of this Tag element.
 Tag[] inlineTags()
          For a documentation comment with embedded {@link} tags, return an array of Tag objects.
 String kind()
          Return the kind of this tag.
 String name()
          Return the name of this tag.
 SourcePosition position()
          Return the source position of this tag.
 String text()
          Return the text of this tag, that is, portion beyond tag name.
 String toString()
          Convert this object to a string.

Method Detail


String name()
Return the name of this tag. The name is the string starting with "@" that is used in a doc comment, such as @return. For inline tags, such as {@link}, the curly brackets are not part of the name, so in this example the name would be simply @link.


Doc holder()
Return the containing Doc of this Tag element.


String kind()
Return the kind of this tag. similar or synonymous tags. For most tags, kind() == name(); the following table lists those cases where there is more than one tag of a given kind:

kind() name()
@throws @throws
@throws @exception
@see @see
@see @link
@see @linkplain
@serial @serial
@serial @serialData


String text()
Return the text of this tag, that is, portion beyond tag name.


String toString()
Convert this object to a string.

toString in class Object


Tag[] inlineTags()
For a documentation comment with embedded {@link} tags, return an array of Tag objects. The entire doc comment is broken down into strings separated by {@link} tags, where each successive element of the array represents either a string or {@link} tag, in order, from start to end. Each string is represented by a Tag object of name "Text", where text() returns the string. Each {@link} tag is represented by a SeeTag of name "@link" and kind "@see". For example, given the following comment tag:

This is a {@link Doc commentlabel} example.

return an array of Tag objects:

Tag[] array of tags
See Also:
ParamTag, ThrowsTag


Tag[] firstSentenceTags()
Return the first sentence of the comment as an array of tags. Includes inline tags (i.e. {@link reference} tags) but not block tags. Each section of plain text is represented as a Tag of kind "Text". Inline tags are represented as a SeeTag of kind "@link". If the locale is English language, the first sentence is determined by the rules described in the Java Language Specification (first version): "This sentence ends at the first period that is followed by a blank, tab, or line terminator or at the first tagline.", in addition a line will be terminated by paragraph and section terminating HTML tags: <p> </p> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <hr> <pre> or </pre>. If the locale is not English, the sentence end will be determined by BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale).

an array of Tag objects representing the first sentence of the comment


SourcePosition position()
Return the source position of this tag.

the source position of this tag.

Doclet API

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