#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

/* SANITY CHECK: assertion macro for verifying input data and internal state */
#define ASSERT(e) { if(!(e)) { cerr << #e << endl; throw; } }

/* Maximum edge cost; used to indicate that a node is unreachable */
#define MAXCOST (numeric_limits<int>::max())

 * This adjacency list data structure holds the list of all edges in the data
 * set (and associated "aging" costs; years "gained back" are negative cost
 * edges). It maps a (departure, arrival) pair to the years aged by traveling
 * through the wormhole. It also contains "implicit" edges that represent
 * having to wait for some number of years while a new wormhole arrives.
typedef pair<int, int> edge_t;
typedef map<edge_t, int> costmap_t;

 * Use the Bellman-Ford algorithm to find the shortest path from start year
 * to end year and return the total cost along that path. Becuase the graph
 * contains negative cost edges, the less efficient Bellman-Ford algorithm
 * must be used instead of Dijkstra's algorithm because Dijkstra's optimizes
 * too early and could produce incorrect results. We also don't need an
 * explicit check for negative cost cycles because the problem statement
 * simply won't allow them.
int findpath(costmap_t &costmap, set<int> &years, int start, int end)
    map<int, int> dist;
    map<int, int> pred;

    /* Initialize "shortest path distance" map to default "unreachable" cost */
    for(set<int>::iterator i = years.begin(); i != years.end(); ++i) {
        dist[*i] = MAXCOST;
    /* The node we start from is 0 years away by definition */
    dist[start] = 0;
     * Run the main body of the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Note that we could 
     * break out of the loop as soon as a complete iteration makes no
     * more changes to the "dist" map. However, looping the full amount
     * helps establish the maximum running time for the algorithm.
    for(int i = 0; i < years.size() - 1; i++) {        
        for(costmap_t::iterator j = costmap.begin(); j != costmap.end(); ++j) {
            if(dist[j->first.first] != MAXCOST) {
                int cost = dist[j->first.first] + j->second;
                if(cost < dist[j->first.second]) {
                    dist[j->first.second] = cost;
                    pred[j->first.second] = j->first.first;

     * DEBUG ONLY: Show the shortest path by highlighting the nodes on the
     * path in the Graphiviz output file.
#ifdef DEBUG
    if(dist[end] != MAXCOST) {
        int i, j;
        cerr << end;

        for(i = end; pred.find(i) != pred.end(); i = j) {
            j = pred[i];
            cerr << " <<" << costmap[edge_t(j, i)] << "<< ";
            cerr << j;
        cerr << " = " << dist[end] << endl;
    return dist[end];

/* Main body of program */
void process(void)
    int data_num, data_idx;

    /* Read how many data sets to process */
    cin >> data_num;
    /* Process each data set separately */
    for(data_idx = 0; data_idx < data_num; data_idx++) {
        set<int> years;     /* Any year seen in input; all nodes in graph */
        vector<int> agents; /* List of destinations for each agent */
        costmap_t costs;    /* Adjecency list of wormholes & implicit waits */
        int start;          /* Starting year for all agents */

#ifdef DEBUG
        /* DEBUG ONLY: Write a graph representation to "dot" file */
        ostringstream filename;        
        filename << "time-travel" << data_idx + 1 << ".dot";
        ofstream graph(filename.str().c_str(), ios::trunc);
        graph << "digraph G {" << endl;

        /* Read in total number of wormholes W */
        int hole_num, hole_idx;
        cin >> hole_num;
        ASSERT(1 <= hole_num && hole_num <= 100);

        /* Read in the list of wormholes for this data set */
        for(hole_idx = 0; hole_idx < hole_num; hole_idx++) {
            int depart, arrive, cost;
            cin >> depart >> arrive;
            ASSERT(1 <= depart && depart <= 9999);
            ASSERT(1 <= arrive && arrive <= 9999);
            /* Add to set of all nodes in graph; usef for implicit edges */
            /* Compute wormhole traveling costs (negative for backwards) */
            if(depart <= arrive) {
                cost = (arrive - depart) / 2;
            } else {
                cost = (arrive - depart) / 4;
            /* Record the cost in the adjacency list */
            costs[edge_t(depart, arrive)] = cost;
#ifdef DEBUG
            graph << "    " << depart << " -> " << arrive <<
                " [label=" << cost << "]" << endl;
        /* Read in the starting year */
        cin >> start;
        ASSERT(1 <= start && start <= 9999);
#ifdef DEBUG
        graph << "    " << start << " [label=\"" << start << "\\n(S)\"]" << endl;
        /* Read in total number of missions/agents M */
        int agent_num, agent_idx;
        cin >> agent_num;
        ASSERT(1 <= agent_num && agent_num <= 100);
        /* Read in the list of final destinations for each agent */
        for(agent_idx = 0; agent_idx < agent_num; agent_idx++) {
            int dest;
            cin >> dest;
            ASSERT(1 <= dest && dest <= 9999);
#ifdef DEBUG
            graph << "    " << dest << " [label=\"" << dest <<
                "\\n(" << agent_idx + 1 << ")\"]" << endl;
         * For every pair of years (X, Y) in the input such that X < Y, compute
         * an "implicit" edge that represents having to wait from year X to
         * year Y if there was no explicit wormhole edge (X, Y) in data set.
         * Note that STL sets are already in ascending order therefore an
         * explicit sort() is not required.
        set<int>::iterator i, j;
        for(i = j = years.begin(), ++j; j != years.end(); ++i, ++j) {
            edge_t edge(*i, *j);

            if(costs.find(edge) == costs.end()) {
                costs[edge] = *j - *i;
#ifdef DEBUG
                graph << "    " << *i << " -> " << *j <<
                    " [label=" << *j - *i << ", style=dashed]" << endl;

        /* Print the data set label */
        cout << "DATA SET #" << data_idx + 1 << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
        cerr << "DATA SET #" << data_idx + 1 << endl;

         * Now for each mission, compute the cost of traveling from the
         * start to destination year and back. If that cost is less than
         * MAXCOST then the mission is possible.
        for(agent_idx = 0; agent_idx < agent_num; agent_idx++) {
            int end = agents[agent_idx];        
            int travelcost = findpath(costs, years, start, end);
            int returncost = findpath(costs, years, end, start);            
            int totalcost;

            if(travelcost == MAXCOST || returncost == MAXCOST) {
                cout << "IMPOSSIBLE" << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
                cerr << "IMPOSSIBLE" << endl;
            } else {
                cout << travelcost + returncost << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
                cerr << travelcost + returncost << endl;

#ifdef DEBUG
        graph << "}" << endl;

/* Run program and print out any exceptions that occur */
int main(void)
    /* Throw exceptions on EOF or failed data extraction in >> operator */
    cin.exceptions(ios::eofbit | ios::failbit);

    /* Run main body of code */
    try {
    /* Catch unexpected EOF or bad input data */
    catch(ios::failure const &e) {
        cerr << "Unexpected EOF or data type mismatch on input" << endl;

    return 0;