#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

 * DEBUG ONLY: If compiled -DDEBUG, each data set will print a C*C table
 * showing the distances in kilometers between every pair of cities in the data
 * set. It also prints the distances that were selected for the minimum
 * spanning tree along with the total minimum cost of the tree. Finally, it
 * also produces a series of files named "planetsN.dot" (one for each data set)
 * which are Graphviz representations of the minimum spanning tree that was
 * computed. These can be fed to the "neato" program to produce a visual graph
 * layout for verification purposes.

/* SANITY CHECK: assertion macro for verifying input data and internal state */
#define ASSERT(e) { if(!(e)) { cerr << #e << endl; throw; } }

 * DEBUG ONLY: The "neato" output file currently being written out
#ifdef DEBUG
ofstream graphout;

 * DEBUG ONLY: Data type for decimal numbers. This can be changed from double
 * precision to single precision float in order to evaluate the effect of
 * round off errors on the final answer.
typedef double decimal_t;

 * This data structure holds the distances (in km) between every pair of cities
 * in the data set. It maps a pair of city numbers to the scalar distance
 * between them. Even though distances are commutative (i.e. distnace (N. M) is
 * the same as (M, N)), this data structure holds the full C*C matrix simply
 * because it's easier to look up these values when running the minimum spanning
 * tree algorithm.
typedef pair<int, int> edge_t;
typedef map<edge_t, decimal_t> distmap_t;

 * Priority queue for selecting the next lowest cost edge in Prim's minimum
 * spanning tree algorithm. The priority queue is ordered in ascending order by
 * edge cost (i.e. distance) and each queue entry also contains the (from, to)
 * city numbers that define this edge. The TO city number is needed to find the
 * next set of outgoing edges from this city on the next iteration of Prim's
 * algorithm. The FROM city number is there purely for debug output purposes.
typedef pair<decimal_t, edge_t> queuedata_t;
typedef priority_queue<queuedata_t, vector<queuedata_t>, greater<queuedata_t> >

/* A (latitude, longitude) coordinate pair */
typedef pair<decimal_t, decimal_t> coord_t;

/* A 3D vector in rectangular coordinates */
typedef struct { decimal_t x, y, z; } rect_t;

/* Multiplying 3D vectors together computes dot product */
inline decimal_t operator*(rect_t const &a, rect_t const &b)
    return (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y) + (a.z * b.z);

 * The (latitude, longitude) coordinate pair can be treated as spherical
 * coordinates in 3D space, where latitude is theta (i.e. zenith) and longitude
 * is phi (i.e. azimuth). This allows us to convert the coordinates into a
 * rectangular form. For this conversion we assume a unit sphere (radius 1).
 * Since the rectangular coordinates are only used for computing angles between
 * pairs of vectors, the sphere radius does not actually matter at this point.
 * In fact, using a unit sphere means that we don't have to find the magnitude
 * of each vector later on since all the vectors we return are of unit length.
 * Finally, the angular measurements in the dataset are given as degrees while
 * the math.h trigonometric functions expect radians so we have to do the
 * conversion before calling sin() and cos().
rect_t torect(coord_t coord)
    /* Convert angle measurements from degrees to radians */
    coord.first = coord.first * 2 * M_PI / 360;
    coord.second = coord.second * 2 * M_PI / 360;
    /* Convert spherical coordinates to rectangular */
    rect_t rect;   
    rect.x = cos(coord.first) * sin(coord.second);
    rect.y = cos(coord.first) * cos(coord.second);
    rect.z = sin(coord.first);
    return rect;

 * Given two points on the surface of the sphere (specified a two 3D vectors)
 * and given the diameter of the planet, compute the distance between the two
 * points along the surface of the sphere.
 * The two vectors define a plane that passes through the origin of the sphere,
 * and the intersection of this plane with the surface of the sphere forms
 * a great circle (i.e. a circle that passes through the sphere's origin).
 * The shortest distance between the two points will be an arc along the
 * perimiter of this great circle.
 * The dot product formula states: x * y = cos(A) |x| |y|
 * In other words, the dot product of two vectors equals the product of the
 * magnitudes multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the two vectors.
 * By re-arranging the formula we can calculate the angle A with acos().
 * Also since we know that torect() only returns unit length vectors, we can
 * simplify the magnitude multiplication out of the dot product equation.
 * Once we know angle A, we can calculate the arc length by first computing
 * the perimeter of the great circle and then multiplying it by the fraction
 * A/2pi. Also note that the longest distance you can possibly have is half
 * the perimeter (i.e. opposite ends of the sphere like the North and South
 * poles).
decimal_t distance(rect_t const &a, rect_t const &b, decimal_t diameter)
    decimal_t perimeter = M_PI * diameter;
    decimal_t fraction = acos(a * b) / (2 * M_PI);
    return fraction * perimeter;

 * Add "city" to the "visited" set and add to the priority "queue" any edges
 * from "city" to all other unvisitied cities.
void prim_visit(int city, int city_num, distmap_t distmap, set<int> &visited,
    queue_t &queue)

    for(int i = 0; i < city_num; i++) {
        if(visited.find(i) == visited.end()) {
            edge_t edge(city, i);
            queue.push(queuedata_t(distmap[edge], edge));

 * Use Prim's algorithm to compute a minimum spanning tree that connects all of
 * the cities together. We start with a complete graph that connects every
 * pair of cities together. We then arbitrarily pick city number 0 as the
 * starting point of the algorithm.
 * DEBUG ONLY: Print out the edge costs of the select minimum spanning tree
 * to stderr, and write out the complete minimum spanning tree in Graphviz
 * format to "planetsX.neato" files.
decimal_t prim(distmap_t &distmap, vector<coord_t> city)
    decimal_t total = 0; /* Accumulated total length of visited edges */    
    set<int> visited;    /* Track which cities have been visited already */
    queue_t queue;       /* Priority queue to select next minimum cost edge */
#ifdef DEBUG
    cerr << "MSP: ";
    graphout << "graph G {" << endl;

    /* Arbitrarily begin with the 0th city. */
    prim_visit(0, city.size(), distmap, visited, queue);
    /* Keep running until all cities are visited */
    while(visited.size() != city.size()) {
        queuedata_t data;
        /* Get minimum cost edge to an unvisited city from any visited one */
        do { 
            /* SANITY CHECK: If unvisited cities remain then so must an edge */
            data = queue.top();
        /* Skip over edges pointing TO already visited cities */
        } while(visited.find(data.second.second) != visited.end());

#ifdef DEBUG        
        coord_t from = city[data.second.first];
        coord_t to = city[data.second.second];
        graphout << "    \"" << from.first << "  " << from.second << "\"";
        graphout << " -- ";
        graphout << "\"" << to.first << "  " << to.second << "\"";
        graphout << " [label = " << distmap[data.second] << "]" << endl;

        cerr << data.first << " ";

        /* Accumulate edge cost and add the next set of edges to queue */
        total += data.first;
        prim_visit(data.second.second, city.size(), distmap, visited, queue);

#ifdef DEBUG
    graphout << "}" << endl;
    return total;

/* Main body of program */
void process(void)
    int data_num, data_idx;

    /* Read how many data sets to process */
    cin >> data_num;
    /* Process each data set separately */
    for(data_idx = 0; data_idx < data_num; data_idx++) {
        decimal_t diameter, length;
        vector<coord_t> city;
        distmap_t distmap;
        int city_num;
        /* Read in diameter, length, and city count */
        cin >> diameter >> length >> city_num;
        ASSERT(1 <= diameter && diameter <= 1000000);
        ASSERT(1 <= length && length <= 1000000);
        ASSERT(1 <= city_num && city_num <= 100);
        /* Read in the list of city coordinates */
        for(int i = 0; i < city_num; i++) {
            decimal_t latitude, longitude;

            cin >> latitude >> longitude;
            ASSERT(-90 <= latitude && latitude <= 90);
            ASSERT(-180 <= longitude && longitude <= 180);
            city.push_back(coord_t(latitude, longitude));
         * Precompute the C*C matrix of distances (in km) between all cities
         * and store the results in the "distance map" for later use by the
         * minimum spanning tree algorithm.
         * DEBUG ONLY: Print a C*C table showing the computed distances to
         * verify that the calculations are correct and to evaluate the effect
         * due to round off errors with floats vs doubles.         
        for(int i = 0; i < city_num; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < city_num; j++) {
                decimal_t dist = distance(torect(city[i]), torect(city[j]),
#ifdef DEBUG
                cerr << setw(4) << dist << " ";
                distmap[edge_t(i, j)] = dist;
#ifdef DEBUG
            cerr << endl;

#ifdef DEBUG
        /* DEBUG ONLY: Open "neato" graph file for output */
        ostringstream filename;
        filename << "planets" << data_idx + 1 << ".neato";
        graphout.open(filename.str().c_str(), ios::trunc);
        /* Compute the minimum cost spanning tree */
        decimal_t mincost = prim(distmap, city);
        /* Print the answer for the dataset */        
#ifdef DEBUG
        cerr << "= " << mincost << endl;
        cerr << (mincost <= length ? "IS POSSIBLE" : "IS NOT POSSIBLE") << endl;
        cout << (mincost <= length ? "IS POSSIBLE" : "IS NOT POSSIBLE") << endl;

/* Run program and print out any exceptions that occur */
int main(void)
    /* Throw exceptions on EOF or failed data extraction in >> operator */
    cin.exceptions(ios::eofbit | ios::failbit);

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* DEBUG ONLY: Setup floating point format for debug output on stderr */
    /* Run main body of code */
    try {
    /* Catch unexpected EOF or bad input data */
    catch(ios::failure const &e) {
        cerr << "Unexpected EOF or data type mismatch on input" << endl;

    return 0;