This directory contains example programs. For a complete description, see Getting Started with Apache Derby and the Apache Derby Server and Administration Guide .
A very simple JDBC application that boots the driver, creates a database, and loads some data.
Two examples are provided to demonstrate how to obtain an embedded connection and client connections using the Network Server to connect to the same database. An embedded connection is a connection to a database that is booted in the same JVM as the application. Client applications that require a database connection across the network use the network server protocol (DRDA) to connect to the Network Server. This type of connection is referred to as a client connection.
The toursdb is provided as an example and demo database to illustrate some functionality of the Derby RDBMS. Many of the examples in the Derby documentation use tables that exist in the toursdb database. The document describes the tables, the names and types of columns in those tables, and the constraints, indexes, and triggers in the database.
Programs described and modified as part of the activities documented in the Getting Started With Derby manual.